Tuesday, July 3, 2012

My Bucket List

As I drove home in 90mph winds on Friday night in a storm I now know is called a "derecho" not a "tornado," I thought about my bucket list.  For more reasons than one, too.  First, I thought about it because I was driving in, well, 90 mph winds.  Second, because I wanted to cross something off: drive a car at 100mph.  Unfortunately, I am not stupid enough to drive 100mph in 90mph winds.  I wish I was, though.  I really wish I was.

Some of you know the story behind my bucket list and others don't.  In a six-month time frame my uncle was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer, my non-husband deployed to Afghanistan, my mom was diagnosed with a very rare form of breast cancer, and a good friend of mine hung herself in her garage.  And how did I respond to such tragedy?  By creating a bucket list, which lists 101 things I want to do before I die from: making a kite and flying it in Big Meadows to swimming with sharks, from solving a Rubik's Cube to SCUBA diving in the Great Barrier Reef.

Get a tattoo, dance on a bar, skinny-dip, read 100 self-designated bucket list books, go on an overnight train ride, be in two places at once, jet ski, water ski, snowboard, you name it...it's probably on my list, which you can find by clicking "Aim's Bucket List" on the right side of your screen.

From silly to dangerous to just plain stupid, these are things I think would be cool to talk and write about when I'm old and can't do much besides golf and bake pies.    

Hopefully, my list will inspire you to make your own list.  If not, maybe Jack Nicholson or Morgan Freeman will.  The Bucket List is definitely worth two hours of your time.

Now here's a picture of the bar I danced on:

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